Sixth Form at Brockhill
Dear Student
Whether you are currently studying at Brockhill Park Performing Arts College or a student at another school or college, making the right decision about where you should undertake the next stage in your education will play a key part in determining your future success. Please read this prospectus carefully so that you are fully informed to help you make the right decision for you.
Brockhill is an extremely innovative and forward-thinking school in which to work and study. It is also a school which is constantly striving to improve all aspects of its practice and, frequently, we ask students for their opinions to help shape our future plans. In fact,Brockhill is well regarded for its emphasis on the importance of creating opportunities beyond the Sixth Form and encouraging young people to take greater responsibility fortheir own learning. Our focus is academic accomplishment and personal achievement.
With a large Sixth Form, we are fortunate to be able to offer a wide range of A level and vocational courses. However, we also provide access to the Sports Leadership Award, Arts award, Extended Project and the Duke of Edinburgh Award. In addition, we run a varied programme of Enrichment Activities to which our students subscribe. We feel that these opportunities are vital in developing self-confidence, community awareness, leadership skills, self-esteem and softer ‘Key Skills’. These also help prepare young people for the world of work and life in general. In addition, our vision and status enable us to play a key part at the cutting edge of exciting developments and projects, from which our students are able to benefit directly.
We value enormously the positive contribution Sixth Formers make to the ethos of our school and the influence they have over our younger students. As a consequence, the Sixth Form is based in the Saga Centre, right at the heart of our school, with an open plan Learning Resource Room, access to our study support team, as well as an independent careers advisor who will help support student choices beyond Brockhill.
Finally, we wish you every success as you complete your Key Stage 4 studies over the nextfew months - remember, hard work now will be rewarded in August. If you feel that you want to be part of our Sixth Form and benefit from what we have to offer, then we wouldbe delighted to help support you through the next exciting phase of your learning.
Mr Ben Travers
Director of Sixth Form