Introduction to the curriculum at Brockhill Park Performing Arts College
It is our purpose to develop an arts and creative thinking learning culture, which is inclusive, inventive, innovative, expressive, technological and vocational supported by the arts and rural dimension. We want to:
enable the future of every student and to develop the capacity for lifelong learning
- build and sustain a strong safe learning community
- foster personalisation through creative and cultural learning
- equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary to enjoy successful lives in modern Britain and beyond
Our curriculum presents an ambitious window to the world for our students through which we want them to pass – curious, more resilient, expressive, cooperative with and supportive of one another - enriched by their study of a broad, balanced and aspirational range of academic subjects based on National Curriculum Programmes of Study from Years 7 – 11 and then appropriate advanced courses in Years 12 – 13.
Our teachers are experts in the subjects they teach and teaching in each subject is sequenced carefully through Schemes of Work devised by teachers in consultation with Subject Leaders and designed to ensure all students have access to rich subject knowledge and the opportunities to develop skills of reflection, analysis and then application of subject knowledge to a variety of contexts as they move along their learning journey.
We use Performing Arts and Rural Studies subjects with our school focus on PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) and Citizenship to build social capacity in and beyond the school and to increase the cultural capacity of our students.
We assess students’ progress through a variety of self, peer and teacher assessment formats and report to parents 3 times a year.
To find out more about the curriculum at Brockhill Park Performing Arts College, please look at our curriculum statement as well as our Subject Introductions and subject Schemes of Work available under the curriculum tab on the school website.