The Library is situated in the Mansion building and houses over 4000 books, including junior fiction, classic fiction, graphic novels, non-fiction and reference texts. Students may borrow books during their break and lunch times and are welcome to use the space for work or quiet reading during these times. Sixth Formers are welcome to use the Library for research and study during the libraries sixth form study periods. Laptops are available for students’ use to complete school work or research.
Ms Brown is the school librarian and will be happy to help with any questions you may have.
Borrowing rules:
* A 10p fine will be issued for every day a book/resource is late after 1 day
* Any books which are lost or damaged will need to be paid for to replace them
The library rules are as follows:
* Respect and take care of the books and resources
* Respect the other library users
* Listen to the librarian
We look forward to welcoming you to the library!
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