
Latest NewsNews from around the Academy

Posted: 14/10/2022

Letter to Parents 14th October

Dear Parents and Students 

Thank you for your support of your child and students, all your hard work this week.  

We are so proud that more than half of our Year 11 students remained behind after school for our Science GCSE revision session this week! Go Year 11! 

Once again, this has been a very busy week with students from all Year Groups 7 – 11 involved in sports’ fixtures with other schools. We also were delighted to receive our first visitors from overseas since before the pandemic: - on Monday students and teachers from the Netherlands and France joined us for the day to work jointly on a project relating to the environment and sustainability.  

Elsewhere, students in Year 9 listened to Year 1 & 2 students’ reading in Saltwood School, and Year 13 Dance students visited the Jasmine Vardimon Dance Company in Ashford for lectures and a tour of their facilities. 

Matthew Scott, the Police and Crime Commissioner for Kent has asked schools to pass information to parents and Sixth Form students about their survey relating to the recruitment of a new Chief Constable for the county. Police and Crime Commissioner's Survey  

Our latest Digital Library contains exciting and enjoyable books to read for each year Group from Years 7 – 13. We hope all our students are reading a book for pleasure for 20 minutes or more a day. Digital Library Autumn Term 

We are offering instrumental and singing lessons again this year from peripatetic teachers. If your daughter or son is interested in this, please read the Letter from the Subject Leader for Music

Our Sixth Form Open Evening on of Tuesday, November 1st will run on site at Brockhill, so Year 11 students and their families can consider their A level courses for next year. We will write separately to Year 11 parents about this next week. NB – please do not confuse this event with the Year 11 Parents’ Subject Consultation Day, on Friday, October 21st

Today, we are sending text messages to parents where a student has not submitted Homework, despite a deadline extension in English, Maths and Science. More detail about our approach to Homework and recommended durations was set out in my letter of September 23rd.   From letter of September 23rd 

Student well-being and welfare will be our priority this year, and we will be particularly attentive to this as our older students approach Public Examinations. 

Yours sincerely 


Charles Joseph



