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Letter to Parents of Year 11 April 24th 2023
Dear Parents,
We hope your child had a revision filled Easter holiday and if they attended the Easter School, they found it beneficial.
In the final weeks before the start of the examinations we will be delivering further Mathematics, Science and English intervention work within options subjects that have come to an end. We will also be delivering taught Mathematics lessons within their PE timetabled slot.
After school revision clubs will continue to run, following the existing timetable. Our core subjects will also begin offering breakfast revision clubs if students wish to attend. More information on this will be relayed to students in their lessons in the coming weeks.
The exam season can be a stressful time for young people. If you feel your child could do with some support in school, please direct them to the Exam Stressbuster Clinic we run in school on a Wednesday lunchtime in room 31 with Miss Jepsen. In addition to this, we have our Wellbeing Drop-in Clinic on Monday and Friday lunchtimes in the Lecture Theatre with Mr Norton.
If you are looking for guidance in how you can support your child through this exam period, Young offers some useful tips for parents. These can be found on their website:
There are also pages for your child to access for advice on coping with exam stress:
Yours Sincerely
Paul Boston
Vice Principal