Latest NewsNews from around the Academy
Letter to Parents Friday 19th May
Dear Parents and students
Thank you for all your support over this past week.
It has been absolutely wonderful to get a full 5 day week under our belts at school and for the Academy Directors to meet so many Year 8 parents for conversations about Learning Pathways.
The students have excelled this week and we have sent 1269 merit points to parents’ in recognition of their daughters and sons’ effort in their learning and contribution to school life.
Today, we had the pleasure of welcoming Damian Collins M.P. to school, who alongside facilitators from Youtube and Parentwise, worked and spoke with Years 9 & 10 students about Digital Citizenship. I was very impressed by the quality of the students’ questions at the end of the sessions, as well as their engagement in the activities and learning they undertook.
Elsewhere, Year 12 & 13 Geography students have carried out Field Work in Folkestone related to urban regeneration, with Sport Leaders from the same Year Group organising a Golf Tournament for primary school students at Etching Hill and Year 8 Sport Leaders coaching primary school football.
Young Farmers have also welcomed 3 visits from younger primary age children to our School Farm.
Last Friday night saw a wonderful Dance show in school, and this weekend Duke of Edinburgh Award students are attending their Bronze and Silver qualifying events.
Public Examinations are now fully underway for students, and they impress with their commitment and hard work, with many attending last minute revision sessions from 7am.
We are varying our timetable daily, in order to ensure we provide students in Years 11 & 13 with the best possible support in advance of their next examinations by having the ‘right’ teacher for the ‘right’ subject in class with them. I cannot emphasise enough the importance of students maintaining the highest high levels of attendance to all their lessons after Public Examinations commence.
Finally, please ask your child to choose a book from our latest digital library. Reading for 20 minute a day impacts on student attainment across all their subjects.
Have a lovely weekend.
Yours sincerely,
Charles Joseph