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Year 10 Walking, Talking Mock and Pre-public GCSE Practice Examinations June 2023
Year 10 Walking, Talking Mock and Pre-public GCSE Practice Examinations June 2023
13th June 2023
Dear Parents
From Wednesday, June 21st we are planning to give our Year 10 students examination experience in preparation for sitting GCSEs at the end of Year 11.
In the Examination hall students will take ‘Walking Talking Mock Examinations’ (teachers give help in these) in English, Mathematics and Science. Thereafter, students will sit ‘Pre-public Examinations’ (teachers do not help) in these subjects also in the Hall.
For other subjects they will have a similar experience within their usual classroom environment during this term.
Results from these practice examinations will then inform us as to how we can best help individual students in our teaching during July and then from September.
Through the next school year, we will aim to provide students with regular examination practice across the range of subjects, going through examination papers carefully after they have sat them.
We will provide students with further information relating to these examinations and the entire study skills and revision programme is a special assembly to be delivered in the examination hall on Tuesday, June 20th.
Students should check their school e-mail accounts for details of their individual examination timetables.
Yours sincerely
Paul Boston
Vice Principal