Latest NewsNews from around the Academy

Letter to Parents 23rd June
Dear Parents / Guardians
Students in Years 10 and 12 have sat Walking Talking Mock (teachers help) and then Pre public (teachers don’t help) examinations in the Sports Hall this week, as we start their preparations for the experience of Public Examinations in just under a year’s time.
Teachers have also awarded 1373 Excellent Effort points this week.
Enrichment Activities and Educational Visits over this past week have been numerous: we have been particularly proud of those students, who have volunteered to water the plants and flowers in Hythe to support Hythe in Bloom, as well as the presentation given by our Girls’ Football Leaders to students from other schools about their participation in the Go Lead Programme.
Our year 10 Sport Leaders have supported St Augustine’s primary school with their sports’ day and Year 12 Drama students watched a performance of Witness for the Prosecution at County Hall in London. In school, we have welcomed visiting authors as part of our Literature Festival, and our Performing Arts students put on a fine show last week, while Mr Goss led an overnight camping and hiking trip for Duke of Edinburgh Award students.
This term, students in years 10 to 13 will be taking part in the Dignify School Survey.
It provides schools with an audit of harmful behaviours happening in their school (as recommended by Ofsted’s 2021 review), such as sexual harassment and sexist name-calling, and a deeper understanding of students’ use of social media and exposure to nudes and pornography. It also gives an overall assessment of students’ wellbeing. The survey is completely anonymous and students cannot be identified from their responses. To opt out of the survey, please email
We are looking forward to welcoming parents to Sports’ Day next Thursday, June 29th from 1.30pm. You will be able to sign in at the various entrances to the site. Students should remember to bring plenty of water to stay hydrated, and we recommend they apply sun-cream in the morning and bring some with them to school, along with a hat, as there is little shade on the school field. Students will need cash to purchase from the BBQ at lunchtime and for the ice cream van. The Terrace Restaurant and Saga Canteen will both be open as normal at morning breaktime.
In case you missed my letter on Wednesday, outlining revisions to arrangements for the coming weeks, here it is again. Letter to Parents, June 21st
Thank you for all your support this week and have a lovely weekend.
Yours Sincerely,
Charles Joseph