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Letter to Parents and Students of incoming Year 12
5th July 2023
Letter to Parents and Students of incoming Year 12
Dear Parents and incoming Year 12 students
We are writing to you following our letter of June 12th and Sixth Form Induction.
We were pleased to welcome so many incoming Year 12 students for Sixth Form Induction and hope they found the 3 days interesting and enjoyable. Teachers, who accompanied the students to Ashford and those who taught them in lessons were universally impressed with their curiosity and enthusiasm, and we are sure the Class of 25 will do great things during and beyond their time at Brockhill.
By way of reminder, from immediately after Induction students will be set Assignments in Google Classroom for each week until the end of term in their chosen A level subjects. In addition, there will be a once weekly Live Online Post Induction Lesson delivered for each A level subject through Webex by their A level subject teacher, as per the timetable below. Students should expect to receive and submit a minimum of 3 hours’ worth of Assignments weekly for each subject, and we will request active parental support in respect of completion and submission. Then, for the summer holiday we will be setting Assignments in Google Classroom for each of a student’s chosen subjects, which will serve as a ‘Passport to A level Study in Year 12.’
Making this early start will be vital to students’ eventual success at A level and we want to give them the Best Start Possible, as the transition from GCSE to A level is challenging.
Thank you for all your support as we and the students start out on the Sixth Form journey.
Yours sincerely
Charles Joseph
Live Online Post Induction Lessons
Live Online Post Induction Lessons
Mondays July 10th & 17th
Subject Staff Room |
Period 1 8:55-9:45
Block A
Art Biology Dance Gov & Pol Maths Philosophy Psychology Travel & Tourism |
Period 2 9:45-10:35
Block B |
Animal Management Child Development Drama ICT Media Photography Sociology
Period 3 10:35-11:20
Block D
Animal Management Applied Science English Lit Film Studies Musical Theatre Physics Product Design
Period 4 11:50-12:40
Block C
Business Studies Chemistry French Geography Health & Social Care History Music Sports Studies