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Letter to Parents 14th July 2023
July 14th 2023
Dear Parents / Guardians
Thank you for your support of your daughters and sons and of course of us over this past week.
This week, groups of Year 10 students have visited St Mary’s bay on Geography Fieldwork, whilst younger students have visited local primary schools with petting animals and students in Years 9,10 and 11 have been to the cinema on a reward trip.
Next week, Friday July 21st is the last day of term. We will run a Tag Trek and finish at midday. The day will run as a non-uniform day with the proceeds donated at the request of the student body to Pilgrims Hospices
Students should bring a £1 contribution. The day will run as a dress down day for staff, who will also be contributing. Please ensure students wear appropriate footwear for the trek and that they bring a hat, sun cream and water.
This week we have been talking to students about the Work Packs we are providing in each subject for students to complete over the summer holiday. These will be set out in a weekly format, so students can easily see what tasks they need to complete in a given week.
Maintaining good and regular study habits over the summer holiday will support them to do well in September and the tasks we set will still leave plenty of time for leisure and valuable family time! We will of course be recognising students’ efforts as we start back out in September.
Please see and share the following signposting leaflets with information to support parents in keeping their children safe over these upcoming weeks.
Keeping Young People Safe – Student Guide
Keeping Young People Safe – Parent Guide
Here again, is our Digital Library Summer 2023 We want all our students to read for pleasure for 20 minutes a day over the summer. Students who read daily understanding and achieve so much more highly across their school subjects.
Yours sincerely
Charles Joseph