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Letter to Parents 21st July 2023
July 21st 2023
Dear Parents and students
Today, the weather was kind to us, so students and staff could enjoy the Brockhill Trek and an ice cream to end the term, and with it the school year.
We have been very impressed with how our students have worked hard in their lessons until the last. Students really have distinguished themselves, and we are preparing to send out an amazing 730 student commendations in recognition of this.
This term, we have undertaken a wide variety of school trips to places near – Geography Field Trips, the Chari Vari festival in Folkestone - and further afield to London museums and universities. Students have also represented Brockhill at the Kent Show and assisted in primary schools, reading with younger students and supporting as Sport Leaders. Others have volunteered, making their community a better place by watering plants, or simply talking to older people with dementia with a small group of the courageous renovating the bandstand on Wednesday! From the School of Rock performance to the Duke of Edinburgh Award ‘weekends away,’ Sports’ Day, the Instep Dance show and so much more, your children have excelled!
We say goodbye to a number of colleagues this term, thank them for their contribution to the life of this school and wish them well in retirement or their next positions.
We are very much looking forward to welcoming the students back in September.
Monday 4th September 2023 |
Year12 on site |
Tuesday 5th September 2023 |
Years 7 & 12 on site |
Wednesday 6th September 2023 |
All Years on site |
Later on during the summer, we will remove access to the SIMs Parent Ap, whilst we make updates. This will be restored on September 4th with full access to students’ new timetables. We will also send your child’s timetable to you via Intouch on that date.
Here are the links to the summer Work Packs in each subject for students to complete over the summer holiday: Accessing Summer Work Packs and Resources Students will find the checklist useful to organize their time and work: Summer Checklist
We promise they will still have plenty of free time for fun and hope they will use some of this reading at least 2 titles from our Digital Library reading list. The titles have been chosen as they are engaging and interesting. Digital Library Summer 2023
Here again are signposting leaflets with information to support parents in keeping their children safe over these upcoming weeks.
Keeping Young People Safe – Student Guide
Keeping Young People Safe – Parent Guide
Thank you for everything this year. We wish you all well for the summer.
Yours sincerely
Charles Joseph