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Letter to Parents 13th October 2023
13th October 2023
Dear Parents and students
Thank you for all your support of your children and of us this week.
Students have worked very well this week, and we had awarded 3561 Excellent Effort Points as of the end of morning break today. We want to recognise and reward every student, so please talk to your daughter or son to encourage them to submit their personal best class- and homework assignments.
Once again, students have excelled this week in their representation of the school and themselves through their volunteering activities ranging from supporting older members of our local community with IT / computer related issues, carrying out gardening in Saltwood and attending a coffee morning at the Lads’ Club in Saltwood. Students of French in Years 10, 11 and 13 have carried on their language learning in France this week, whilst Year 12 & 13 Photography students attended an online workshop with Canterbury Christ Church University. Our Year 9 Netball team performed very well gaining 3rd place in a tournament of all Folkestone, Hythe and Ashford schools, with our Years 8 & 9 boys’ football teams winning against the Towers in Ashford. Elsewhere, students of Drama from all Year Groups attended a production of Agatha Christie’s And Then There Were None at the Marlowe Theatre. And finally, and most wonderfully, a number of visitors and their Guide Dogs visited our Animal Care students on our farm.
By way of reminder, students will carry out their learning at home on line next Thursday, October 19th and Monday, October 30th. They will work on and submit assignments, which will be set in Google Classroom. Friday, October 20th is a Staff Development Day. No student should attend school on these days. We will look forward to welcoming students back to on site learning at Brockhill on Tuesday, October 31st.
Our Sixth Form Open Evening for Year 11 students and their parents takes place on site on Tuesday, November 7th. During the evening, we will be talking about post 16 applications and study in general and at Brockhill Park Sixth Form in particular. We will write separately to Year 11 parents about this next week. NB – please do not confuse this event with the online Year 11 Parents’ Subject Consultation Day, on Thursday, October 19th.
For information, road works are scheduled to take place with a road closure in Sandling Road throughout half-term. We hope all work will be finished to allow a smooth return to on site learning on Tuesday, October 31st.
Please encourage your daughter or son to attend a Club Activity at least once a week. Please see clubs listed on our website. We offer a Homework club on Tuesday and Wednesday lunchtimes, in room 71 with Ms Donnelly.
If you missed it last week, here is our Performing Arts Calendar for the year. We are so proud of our students and staff for all the performance work they are planning for this year. Performing Arts Calendar
Year 11 students were in receipt of an anxiety workshop this week. Student well-being and welfare will be our priority this year, and we will be particularly attentive to this as our older students approach Public Examinations.
Have a lovely weekend.
Yours sincerely,
Charles Joseph