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Letter to Parents 1st November 2023
Dear Parents
I did not expect to be writing to you so early during this week but hope you and your children enjoyed the half-term break.
As of this afternoon, there is an amber weather warning in place for tomorrow from 6am until 5pm. Amber weather warning for Hythe
We have taken the decision to cancel school trips and off site fixtures for tomorrow only, as Friday’s weather forecast is in fact rather better.
However, we are planning and fully expect to open the school as normal for on site learning tomorrow.
If the weather is particularly inclement during the school day, it may be that we restrict the students’ access around the site and to outdoor spaces at break and lunchtime.
Please see our Severe Weather or Other Emergency Procedure information.
It is currently our intention to allow on site activities scheduled for after school tomorrow to go ahead as normal.
Yours sincerely
Charles Joseph