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Letter to Parents 8th December
December 8th 2023
Dear Parents and students
Thank you for your support and students, for your hard work this week.
Students had earned 1905 Excellent Effort Points by breaktime this morning. Keep it up Brockhill!
The school Christmas Dinner will be served to students in the Terrace Restaurant next Wednesday at a cost of £3 including dessert. The Christmas Dinner will of course be available to all students.
As ever, students have participated in a range of activities this week with our young Farmers taking a number of Brockhill reared animals to the Fat Stock show in Ashford on Monday and Tuesday. Our Year 7 boys football team also represented us very well against Folkestone Academy.
Our Tuesday carol service saw 200 students visiting our beautiful Saltwood church, with our Monday service postponed until the coming Monday.
Our A level Government & Politics students left Brockhill for a study visit to Brussels yesterday, where they will seek to broaden their understanding of the institutions of the European Union.
Today and yesterday, Drama students from Years 7 – 13 have welcomed classes from our local primary schools to the Brockhill compilation performance of Christmas Tales.
Sadly though the school along with the wider community has been shocked by the tragedy in Sandgate on Thursday evening. We will of course be mindful to the needs of students and staff going forward.
Have a restful weekend.
Yours sincerely,
Charles Joseph Principal