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Letter to Parents 15th December
December 15th 2023
Dear Parents and students
This last week of term has flown by. Last Friday, students raised £800 for Save the Children through their non-uniform day. And this week, student volunteers have also raised £544.73 supporting with the Rotary Club Christmas collection in Hythe High Street. We are so proud of our students’ commitment to others and all the volunteering activities they have carried out since September.
The Christmas Lunch on Wednesday was very well received by all over an extended lunchtime. The catering offer at Brockhill is one of which we can be really proud.
We are delighted to be sending letters of commendation to the parents of 1069 students today for the submission of personal best class and homework assignments. Of the 1069 students, 550 have been nominated by 3 or more of their teachers and their parents will also receive a Bronze, Silver or gold Certificate of Commendation.
In addition, teachers had awarded 1032 Excellent Effort Points this week at the beginning of school today.
For Year groups, who are sitting Public Examinations in the summer, we have set work in the Google Classroom for submission soon after the school holiday. Of course, we recognise the need for family time in the coming 2 weeks and the amount set by teachers reflects this.
In today’s Family Friday session we finished off the term with thanks to students for their Care, Courtesy and Consideration towards others, as well as signposting them to key services in advance of the Christmas holiday. Family Friday: December 15th
Dame Rachel De Souza, the Children’s Commissioner for England, has extended the deadline for parents and students to complete the Big Ambition Survey until Friday, January 19th. Students and indeed their parents are invited to take the survey, so the views of young people are heard. Message from Dame Rachel De Souza, Children’s Commissioner for England
We hope all students will continue to read for at least 20 minutes a day over the Christmas holiday. Here, is a range of interesting and exciting titles from which to choose. Digital Library: Winter Break
Our Sixth Form Learning Mentor, Ms Hoy leaves us today on promotion and we wish her well for the future.
We are also making some changes to Guidance Management which will take effect from January
Sixth Form Learning Mentor |
Ms A Foster |
Eden Guidance Manager |
Ms H Muddiman |
Rother Guidance Manager |
Ms C Timmins |
Medway Guidance Manager |
Ms H Gear |
Stour Guidance Manager |
Mrs J Woods |
Our website, provides information and links to a range of information and support services potentially useful to students and their families in a variety of situations. Please scroll down the page HERE to see and access all this information. This week we have added E-scooter - are you breaking the law? and Keeping your child safe: online and beyond
Finally, thank you all for your support of us and the students since September. Our parental body are an absolute blessing to this school and we appreciate you immensely.
We will look forward to students returning to Brockhill on Tuesday, January 2nd 2024.
Have a lovely Christmas.
Yours sincerely,
Charles Joseph