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Letter to Parents 5th January 2024
5th January 2024
Dear Parents and students
Thank you for all your support this week.
Since our return, teachers and associates have awarded 2759 Excellent Effort Points to students in all year Groups. Whether a student is in Year 7 or Year 13, it is a pleasure to be able to let parents know when and where they have done well.
Again this term, we will be emphasising the importance of care, courtesy, consideration and simple acts of kindness in our work with students.
We will begin to send Homework texts from next week, so please do check in which subjects your daughter or son is due to submit homework assignments.
Nearly 500 students now participate in a break or lunchtime club weekly. Please do encourage your daughter or son to join a club. They are great places to try something new with or without their friends or even to make new friends. Lunchtime and Enrichment Clubs
In Family Friday today, students have looked back over their achievements of 2023 as well as the results from our new inter academy football competition held at the end of last term. Family Friday New Year
Just in case you missed it, we sent out a number of important reminders for this term via our Letter of January 2nd.
Have a restful weekend.
Yours sincerely,
Charles Joseph