
Latest NewsNews from around the Academy

Posted: 24/05/2024

Letter to Year 13 Students and their Parents



Letter to Year 13 Students and their Parents

May 24th 2024 


Dear Parents and students   

A level examinations are now underway and running very smoothly. Thank you parents for your vital support and students for all your hard work.

With effect from the end of today we are suspending the teaching timetable for Year 13 classes. 

Students are of course still welcome to attend to seek any last minute guidance they wish to from their teachers, and teachers of vocational subjects may still request students attend to complete any outstanding tasks. 

This year, A level results day will be Thursday, August 15th. We intend to issue results to students on site at Brockhill and will publish details around the arrangements for this in due course. 

Mr Travers has already contacted Year 13 students in respect of returning textbooks and any other school materials, as examinations draw to a close. 

Students will be required to complete these formalities and obtain the relevant Subject Leader signatures by Friday, June 21st at the latest. 

We wish all students well in their remaining examinations and reiterate that we are here to offer you any support you need, whether that be directly related to your examination subjects, ‘exam stress’ or any concerns over onward destinations. We are here to help!


Yours sincerely, 


Charles Joseph 



