
Latest NewsNews from around the Academy

Posted: 07/06/2024

Letter to Parents 7th June 2024





June 7th 2024

Dear Parents and students

Thank you for your support this week getting the students back into school punctually each day following the holiday. Your support is essential and very much appreciated.   

  Public Examinations are well underway and students are acquitting themselves well. Years 10 & 12 students will also sit Walking Talking Mock (teachers help) and then Pre-public (teachers do not help) Examinations this term to give them a flavour of next school year, and we will provide more details to them in the coming days. 

Sixth Form Induction for current Year 11 students will take place from Monday, June 24th – Wednesday, June 26th.

This half-term, we will be continuing to ensure students access as many extra-curricular opportunities as possible, and we look forward to welcoming parents to Sports’ Day on Thursday, June 27th. It was so lovely to see so many of you there last year, so please do join us if you can! 

We ended last half-term by sending 1066 letters of commendation to parents to recognise students’ submission of personal best class and homework assignments, which are in addition to 549 attendance commendations awarded for 96% + attendance we are sending today. We look forward to again recognising high levels of student achievement and attendance at the end of this half-term. 

Yesterday, 58 Years 9 & 10 Drama students attended the Marlowe Theatre to watch a matinée performance of ‘Everybody is Talking about Jamie’. And last night, 4 students received awards from East Kent Volunteering Awards organised by Kent Coast Volunteering and Folkestone and Hythe District Council at the Folkestone Quarterhouse. Brockhill also received the schools’ award for commitment and uptake in volunteering in the District. 

This week, we have considered the General Election and D-Day in Daily and Academy Tutor time.

General Election Assembly                                                                  D-Day 80

We would like to remind parents and students that mobile phones must be turned off and in the bottoms of bags during Tutor time and lessons. Students must not use mobile phones before break or lunch when use will be permitted. This means that mobile phones should remain in students’ bags when moving between lessons. Students must not wear or carry headphones or ear pods in school at any time. Students must only wear a black or dark blue waterproof – non leather – coat.

Where students do not meet our clear expectations in respect of uniform we may send students home and / or confiscate items, then requesting parents attend school by appointment to pick them up.  

We wish all our students and their families a peaceful weekend.  

Yours Sincerely,  

Charles Joseph 





