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GCSE Results Letter
August 22nd 2024
Dear Parents and Students
We hope that the results you are picking up today are a source of pride and satisfaction to you and that they enable you to take your next planned step forward.
If you have been already been offered a place in the Sixth Form registration for courses will take place on Tuesday September 3rd in the Sixth Form Centre. Students with surnames beginning A-M should register between 9am and 11am. Students with surnames beginning N-Z should register between 1pm and 3pm.
If you are concerned you may not have achieved the results necessary to start Advanced courses, please may make an appointment with Mr Travers or Mrs Foster. We will do our best to help.
If, on the other hand, you have not applied for a place in the Sixth Form and would now like to please come to see Mr Travers on Tuesday, September 3rd between 1pm and 3pm.
If by any chance a placement or Apprenticeship previously arranged elsewhere is no longer secure, please contact us after the beginning of term and we will arrange a careers’ interview for you.
We hope you are enjoying the summer and wish you the very best of luck for whatever path you now embark on.
If we can be of help do let us know.
Yours sincerely,
Charles Joseph