
Latest NewsNews from around the Academy

Posted: 16/08/2024

A Level Results Press Release




Brockhill Park Performing Arts College

A Level Results Press Release

Brockhill Park Performing Arts College is again celebrating excellent A level results. This year over 80% of our students achieved passes at level 3 and 50% achieved 3 or more passes. Over 50% of students achieved A* - C grades.  We are very proud of all that they have achieved. 

Some of our students have achieved exceptional results. Livia Wright obtained grade A in all three of her A Level subjects, English Literature, French and Philosophy.  Max Whitehead achieved an A in Physics, a B in Chemistry and a C in sociology; Liam May achieved a B in History, a B in Philosophy and a C in Sociology.  In Animal Management and Dance, all students achieved double awards at Distinction * (A*) to Distinction (A); in Animal Management Tia Calway, Roxy Cooper and Emily Peacock achieved Double Distinction* (A*A*); in Dance Eloise Sloan also achieved Double Distinction* (A*A*).  Our students did well in both A level and Vocational courses with top end grades being achieved in Photography, English Literature, History, Politics, Physics, and Animal Management, IT, Music.

We are proud of all our year 13 students who have worked so hard to achieve their goals.  They are moving onto their chosen destinations, and we would like to wish them well for the future and thank them for their hard work and commitment during their time at this school.

Families and teachers play a crucial role in the success of this school. Therefore the governors and I would like to thank our parents for their support and our teachers for their unstinting dedication to our students.

Charles Joseph




Livia Wright:

Achieved 3 A grades – in Philosophy, English Literature and French A levels, an outstanding achievement. Livia is taking a gap year to travel. The best part of studying at Brockhill was ‘the support of the teachers and my friends’.

Livia Wright
Andrei Gheorghe

Andrei Gheorghe:

Achieved 3 B grades in History, Film Studies and Drama and a D in the Extended Project. He is off to study Film at the University of Kent. The best part for him at Brockhill were ‘the people – the friendships I have built’.

Eloise Sloan:

Eloise achieved a Double Distinction* in Performing Arts:Dance and a Distinction in Health & Social care. She is off to Canterbury Christ Church to study Occupational health. The best part of Brockhill ‘was being Head Girl, without a doubt’.

Eloise Sloan
Roxy Cooper

Roxy Cooper

Achieved a Double Distinction* in Animal Management, a B in Biology and a D in Chemistry. She is off to study for a Biology Degree at the University of Kent. Her favourite part of Brockhill was the school farm – ‘I really enjoyed the farm, the animals and the practical work – it was a real stress reliever for me’.

Liam May

Liam achieved a B in History, a B in Philosophy, a C in Sociology and a D in the Extended Project. He will be studying History at Canterbury Christ Church. The best part of Brockhill for Liam was ‘the freedom of the Sixth Form and the interesting subjects on offer’.

Liam May
Summer Howard

Summer Howard

Summer achieved a Distinction* Distinction double award in Animal Management and a Merit in Health & Social care, she is a level 3 apprentice at Curley’s Farm on the Isle of Sheppey




