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Letter to Parents of Year 11 - Walking, Talking Mocks and Pre-Public Examinations
Year 11 – Walking, Talking Mocks (WTMs) and Pre-Public Examinations (PPEs) – Series 2
Monday 6th January 2025
Dear Parents of Year 11,
I am writing again regarding the ongoing examination preparation we have planned for your child in the build-up to their summer examinations. Already students have experienced in class WTM’s and examination hall PPE experiences in English, Mathematics and Science and throughout the remainder of the year we will be holding further PPEs and WTMs
Walking Talking Mocks give students an experience in which the teacher guides the students through a series of examination questions, walking and talking them through the questions and answers, sharing best practice and model responses. Pre-public examinations are what we previously referred to as mock examinations. In these we aim to model the conditions of the real thing i.e. students will work under examination conditions, answering real GCSE questions.
The next set of examination hall PPEs will take place during the third week of the Spring Term (1st Half) on the week beginning Tuesday 21st January 2025. These will be in French, Geography and History. Students have been issued with examination timetables via their school e-mail.
We are deeply conscious of our duty to prepare students for sitting Public Examinations in the summer and to do this in a way, which encourages and celebrates their learning. Throughout these WTMs and PPEs we will aim to build students’ confidence and reduce any anxiety they have around examinations.
It is vital for students to take these examinations seriously and work hard to put in their best performance. It is also extremely important that students attend these sessions as failure to do so will lead to a substantial loss of learning in the form of feedback from the exam. In addition to this, students need to get into the best practices ahead of the external exams. Failure to attend the actual examinations without appropriate reasons may lead to us issuing an invoice for the cost of the entry or entries.
We wish your child the best of luck in these examinations and would encourage them to attend the afterschool sessions running Tuesday to Thursday afternoons between 3pm and 4pm.
We will of course write again prior to the next series of PPEs and WTMs.
Yours sincerely,
Charles Joseph