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Letter to Parents 14th February 2025
February 14th 2025
Dear Parents and students
This last week of the half-term has flown by with students raising several hundred pounds for the NSPCC and Great Ormond Street through their non-uniform day, today. Students have also participated in a range of Maths and Numeracy activities over lunch and break times organised by Mr Munro.
Students had earned 2223 Excellent Effort Points by midday today for submission of personal best Class and Homework assignments. Thank you, parents for all your support.
We are also delighted to be sending letters of commendation to the parents of 758 students today for the submission of personal best class and homework assignments. Of the 758 students, 168 have been nominated by 3 or more of their teachers and their parents will also receive a Bronze, Silver or gold Certificate of Commendation.
If your daughter or son has not yet applied for a place in our Sixth Form, please encourage them to do so over the half-term. Our Sixth Form Induction will run for 3 days from immediately after GCSE examinations from Monday, June 23rd – Wednesday, June 25th.
Every single one of our Year 11 students has entered education or employment or training for many years and we want none of our students left behind. To that end Mr Coles has organised a number of events in school during this National Apprenticeship Week.
Please also see Mr Coles Guide for you: Brockhill Parent Guide to Navigating your Child's Future
Please ensure your child has chosen a second book from Digital Library Spring Term 2024 - 25 Students who read for pleasure for at least 20 minutes a day, achieve so well across the curriculum.
This week students have variously performed their Dance Compositions at Sadler’s Wells Theatre, attended Apprenticeship Information workshops with the Army and visited the Crystal Maze in London. In sport, our students have attended a Sports’ Leadership at Three Hills and played a range of Basketball and Football fixtures across the area.
Through the generous donations of so many families we generally hold a healthy stock of laundered pre-loved school uniform items but are particularly short of school blazers at the moment. If you do have any items of uniform your daughter or son has outgrown, we would be delighted to receive these at our Mansion main reception or in the Student Office, as they may be of help to another student. We can then launder and have these available here at school on parental request for a very modest voluntary donation.
Our website, provides information and links to a range of information and support services potentially useful to students and their families in a variety of situations. Please scroll down the page HERE to see and access all this information.
And a reminder from Monday:
Year 11 Revision Tips – Monday, February 10th Year 13 Revision Tips – Monday, February 10th
We will look forward to welcoming students back to school on Monday, February 24th.
Have a lovely weekend and half-term.
Yours sincerely,
Charles Joseph