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Assessments for Years 8, 9, 10, 11 and 13 and End of Term message for all students
Dear Parents,
Your daughter or son’s Assessment Sheet (Years 8, 9, 10, 11 and 13) will be available on SIMS Learning gateway from Thursday, December 21st.
This is the second of the four Assessments which we will send home this year.
We hope that both you and they will find cause for celebration and that the grades they have received will inform their work for the coming term and beyond.
In the coming school term and year we will be focusing on student attendance. Every student should be aiming for 100%, except in the most exceptional circumstances. Less than 98% attendance is a serious cause for concern and disrupts students’ learning.
We will also be focusing much more closely on the completion of all Homework by all students to their best personal standard as we believe this is a vital key to student learning and progress.
Please would you check that your son or daughter has all necessary equipment for school. A list of equipment also appears in the Parents’ Handbook as well as the Student Planner.
We look forward to seeing students back in school on Monday, January 8th 2018.
If you have any query or concern around your daughter or son’s Assessments please contact their Academy Director from Monday, January 8th 2018.
May I also take this opportunity to wish all students and their families a Happy and Restful Christmas.
Yours sincerely,
Charles Joseph
Senior Vice Principal