
Latest NewsNews from around the Academy

Posted: 24/04/2018

Public Examinations Summer 2018

Dear Parents

I am writing to you as we will shortly enter our Public Examination season. Individual candidate timetables have been emailed to students school email. Please see the exam information section on the website for the JCQ examination regulations and our own A – Z Guide to Examinations document.

Please do take the time to go through these documents with your daughter or son, to ensure both they and you are clear about routines and expectations for Public Examinations.

Please be sure to check the start times of examinations for each day, once examinations are underway as start times are often different depending on the subject examination being sat.

Please note that in the event of absence from any examination the school will issue an invoice for the full cost of the missed examination entry.

In advance of the Public Examination season examinations and in addition to regular, timetabled classes, we will be supporting individual and small groups of students in intervention classes to ensure they achieve the best possible grades in subjects, where there might be a wide disparity between their current and predicted grades.

Once Public Examinations are underway, we will of course vary our timetable to focus on Examination subjects, which will be sat later on. If you or your child has any query in advance of or during the Examination Season I or Ms McQuisten, our Examinations Officer, will be delighted to help.

I wish your daughter or son every success for their fast approaching Public Examinations.

Yours sincerely

Charles Joseph

Senior Vice Principal


