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Assessments for Years 8, 9, 10, 11 and 13 & Half-Term Letter to all Parents
Assessments for Years 8, 9, 10, 11 and 13 & Half-Term Letter to all Parents
October 2018
Dear Parents,
Your daughter or son’s Assessment Sheet (Years 8, 9, 10, 11 and 13 only) will be available on the SIMS Parent App from Friday, October 19th.
We hope that both you and they will find cause for celebration and that the grades they have received will inform their work for the coming half-term and beyond.
In the coming school year we will be focusing on student attendance. Every student should be aiming for 100%, except in the most exceptional circumstances. Less than 98% attendance is a serious cause for concern and identified by educational research as disruptive to students’ learning. Attendance recorded of students, who arrive and are marked late to school in the morning, or who are marked late in the afternoon, is reduced by their lateness.
We are now focusing much more closely on the completion of all Homework by all students to their best personal standard as we believe this is a vital key to student learning and progress. Homework set by teachers is shown on our Learning Gateway and should be recorded by students in their planners.
We would like to remind parents and students that mobile phones should be turned off and in the bottoms of bags during Tutor time and lessons.
Students must not use mobile phones before break or lunch when use will be permitted.
This means that mobile phones should remain in students’ bags when moving between lessons.
Students must not wear or carry headphones or ear pods in school at any time.
If you have any query or concern around your daughter or son’s Assessments please contact their Academy Director from Monday, October 29th.
May I also take this opportunity to thank parents for all their support since September and wish all students and their families a restful half-term.
We look forward to welcoming all students back to school on Monday, October 29th.
Yours sincerely,
Charles Joseph
Senior Vice Principal