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Young Persons Community Safety Conference
2nd April 2019
Dear Parent/Guardian,
An exciting opportunity has arisen for year 9 students to attend Folkestone & Hythe District Council Young Persons Community Safety Conference at The Leas Cliff Hall on Thursday 9th May 2019. We hope to be able to take all our year 9 students. Topics which will be covered will include:
· E-safety and community cohesion
· Grooming and exploitation
· Sex and Relationships
· The implications of knife and gun crime
· Protecting Young People from Radicalisation and Extremism
These will be covered in a really interactive way, by renowned speakers from a variety of organisations, and the day will also act as an experience of how conferences run.
Transportation to and from the venue has been arranged. Students will be able to arrive to school using their usual method of transport but would need to be collected from school at 4pm. Alternatively permission can be given for your child to make their own way home from Lees Cliff Hall by completing the slip below.
Students are expected to wear full school uniform and should bring a packed lunch. To ensure your child can attend this free event then please complete and return the attached permission form by Friday 26th April.
We look forward to a wonderful day and, as always, are grateful for your support.
Yours Sincerely,
Mrs Terri Barry
Subject Leader of Citizenship, Religion, Philosophy and Ethics, and PSHEe
Eden Academ