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Letter to Parents/Carers of Year 11 Art students
Dear Parent/Carer,
Your son/daughter will shortly be undertaking their Externally Set Assignment unit in Art and Design or Photography. This takes the form of a practical unit of work in a short period of time. The Externally Set Assignment is worth 40% of the overall grade and is a completely separate unit to that worked on prior to now.
The paper will be given out on week beginning 20th January during lesson times as a taught introduction to the paper. Students will then choose a question to pursue and develop their unit accordingly – guidance will be given in the form of a PLC (a copy of which will be emailed also for you) to aide progression and support during lesson and own work times.
As students know from working on their year 10 mock last year, the preparation time goes very quickly and work in their own time is essential for students aiming for A*-C grades. We are committed to opening our studios for after school sessions on Tuesday 3-4:30pm, Wednesday 3-4pm and Thursday 3-5pm to allow students access to specialist equipment and resources, computers, printing and support from staff. We will expect to see every student taking one session per week in order to ensure they use their time effectively. Please do encourage your child to take every opportunity offered here. Students are also encouraged to borrow specialist equipment needed for continued work at home by signing this out with their teacher.
The dates of the final part of the externally set assignments are:
- Photography: 20th-22nd April
- Art and Design: 20th-22nd April
At the end of these days, the externally set assignment is complete and all preparation work as well as outcome(s) must be submitted for marking. After the first day of the exam no work can be taken from the exam room for further preparative studies, so students must be organised and ready prior to this date.
I hope this letter has helped to explain how the exams for Art/Photography will work and what we are doing as a department to offer support for your son/daughter. Please do contact me for further advice or guidance in regards of this on
Yours Sincerely,
Ms Madeline Crossland
Subject Leader Art and Design
Art and Design GCSE Exam 2020 PLC