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Posted: 03/02/2020

Year 10 Walking, Talking Mock and Pre-public GCSE Practice Examinations

Year 10 Walking, Talking Mock and Pre-public GCSE Practice Examinations 2020


January 2020


Dear Parents

As you are aware, we are entering all Year 10 students this year for their GCSE RE examination.

So that students can familiarise themselves with the examination regulations, the schools running of GCSE examinations and to practice an examination paper under real examination conditions we have arranged ‘Walking Talking Mock(teachers giveExaminations’help these) -publicand‘PreExaminations’(teachersdonothelpthese).

Results from these practice examinations then inform us as to how we can best help individual students in our teaching.

Students will be emailed an examination timetables for the ‘Walking  Talking-  Mock’

public’examinationGCSEwhich will take place during the last week of this term.


Yours sincerely


Charles Joseph

Senior Vice Principal


