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Letter to parents 17th March
17th March 2020
Dear Parents/Carers
We are living through unprecedented times and I am fully aware that as I write this government advice may change.
We have and will continue to follow Government Guidelines with regards to COVID-19 and I ask that you please follow this link for the most up to date information:
We cannot advise each individual family with regards to school attendance and we ask that you make your own decisions in the knowledge that we will authorise absences where families are in self-isolation. We will continue to operate as normally as possible in order to allay the fears of our children who look to us for guidance.
School events
Our planned programme of events until Easter will be curtailed which includes cancelling:
- The Finance Talk to 6th formers on 19 March
- The Music evening planned for 20 March
- The evening of Dance on 27 March
Our events post Easter holidays are under review.
School trips and Visits
We intend to similarly curtail our planned trips, visits and after school activities. We will inform affected students and parents as the need arises.
School Closure
In the event of the school being forced to close we will inform you via email and text as early as possible. Please ensure that we have your most up to date contact information.
We are planning to have materials and online resources available as appropriate and will keep you informed when the need arises.
Public Examinations
The Government, Ofqual and Examination boards are all working on a number of scenarios and contingency plans. We will keep you informed as best we can. In the meantime please assume all will go ahead as planned.
Thank you for your continued support and patience in this difficult time.
Yours faithfully
Mrs Schwartz