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Letter to parents 19th March
March 19th 2020
Dear Parents
Following the Prime Minister’s statement yesterday, Thursday March 18th the Guidance relating to educational settings has changed.
We will of course adhere to this Guidance and do this as quickly as possible but please do remember the Guidance is published to you and the school at the same time.
We will remain fully open for all students until the end of Friday and thereafter from Monday next week will offer provision for children of key workers and students who may be vulnerable.
As stated yesterday, we are conscious of our role and responsibility to children of Emergency Service providers, key workers in our economy and society as well parents whose employment and income might be threatened if they have to assume childcare responsibilities. At the time of writing we do not have access to the Government’s list of key workers but realise that so very many of you are.
From Monday, we will run full school days for these students. Please complete and return the form (link below) to us electronically or by hand to the Student Office tomorrow, Friday March 20th.
Students for whom we have received a completed form should then report to school at the normal time in full school uniform, expecting to follow their full timetable with appropriate equipment. We may though vary their programme and will let you know as far as is possible when we do.
Students, who are in receipt of Free School Meals will continue to receive these at school with no change to procedure. We have limited information on Bus timetables from next week at the moment but will let you know promptly when we do.
Some of you have inquired about scheduled school trips. These are all under review and we will cancel these in line with Government Guidance but not in advance of receiving this Guidance. In respect of money, which you have paid and which we have paid to providers we will seek to obtain refunds from the providers, which is clearly difficult in the current circumstances. Where we are unable to obtain a refund from the Trip Provider for whatever reason we will seek to claim against the school insurance. The success of any claim though depends on the wording of Government Guidance in respect of school trips. If we are unable to obtain a refund from the Trip Provider or claim successfully against the school insurance, we will undertake to repay in full any money paid by you. We will however do this only after taking the steps outlined above and this may be a slow process.
Government has stated GCSE and A level examinations will not take place this summer but they will ensure students receive their examination results. Once Government proposals around this are published we will let you know.
For some time we have been planning steps we would take to support students and their parents in the event of closure or partial closure. Tomorrow we will provide information to parents, whose children or indeed families are self-isolating and / or will not be attending from next week in respect of how we will support students learning during their absence from school.
We will contact you with further details at the end of the school day tomorrow, Friday March 20th.
Thank you all for your continued support.
Yours sincerely
Sonette Schwartz - Principal
Charles Joseph - Senior Vice Principal
Attendance at school From Monday March 23rd 2020