Latest NewsNews from around the Academy

Letter to parents 1st May
May 1st 2020
Dear Parents
Thank you for all your support with this past week of the current home education arrangements. We really do appreciate the efforts of all our parents and students here.
We remain mindful of the importance of physical and mental well-being for our students and our very own Mr Fussell has devised a Weekly Fitness Fun Challenge for the students for next week.
Monday’s Tutor Activity is:
These are important activities for the students and many are fun and could be carried out as a family if you get the opportunity!
We are again providing links to the 2 videos of basic cookery lessons from our school caterers, Independent Catering for those students, who may turn to cooking or baking over the weekend.
Where students have questions about work set they may email questions to teachers between 9am and 3pm Monday – Friday.
Please stay safe.
Yours sincerely
Sonette Schwartz Charles Joseph
Principal Senior Vice Principal