Latest NewsNews from around the Academy

Letter to parents 12th May
Dear Parents
Thank you for all your support with Home School today.
From later this week, we are activating the Google Classroom Guardian feature. This will enable you to receive a weekly summary of work set for your child in each subject and enable you to have a greater degree of oversight of their learning. When you receive the invitation please click Accept and choose the weekly summary option. You will then receive your weekly Guardian summary on a Friday and hopefully be able to ensure any necessary catching-up is done over the weekend.
Also, from later this week, we will be launching our ‘Digital Library,’ which consists of links to free copies of a range of book titles we divide into lists suitable for Key Stage 3, Key Stage 4 and Key Stage 5. Reading in secondary schools often regresses or progresses more slowly than in primary school and when on site at school we do much to address this. Our ‘Digital Library’ seeks to support students’ reading and we ask that you encourage your child to read a book from the ‘Digital Library’ for at least 20 minutes a day.
Tomorrow, Wednesday’s Tutor Group Activity will be: PSHE. Please carry out the activities as a family if you get the opportunity!
Next week we will be asking teachers to identify those students, who have completed ‘insufficient work’ in their subjects. Students, who rise best to the challenge of maintaining a regular daily routine and good study habits will, we are absolutely certain, perform best whenever we are able to resume ‘normal’ provision. For any Year 12 student not engaging fully with work set it may be that lack of work makes it effectively impossible to rejoin an Advanced course.
Any on site provision is currently provided by one of our local primary schools. Any parent needing to use this provision will need to mail the Brockhill Office email account by midday the previous working day, in order for us to make appropriate arrangements. Please provide Name of Child, Date of Birth and any Allergy Information in the mail. UK Government Guidance states If children can stay safely at home, they should, to limit the chance of the virus spreading. That is why the government has asked parents to keep their children at home, wherever possible, and asked schools to remain open only for those children who absolutely need to attend. Guidance further signals that children of 12 and above can generally remain at home alone in the family home, whilst parents are at work.
Please stay safe.
Yours sincerely
Sonette Schwartz Charles Joseph Principal Senior Vice Principal