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Letter to parents 22nd May
May 22nd 2020
Dear Parents
Thank you for all your support with Home School this half-term.
In addition to any ‘holiday’ homework set we recommend that students maintain a daily work routine during the school holiday by use of our E Resources available for the range of subjects or on Student Resources.
We are again providing the links to Key E Resources and how to access Student Resources.
We are encouraged by how well delivery of lessons to students via Webex or Google Meet has gone these past few days and we are confident we can increase ‘face-to-face contact’ with teachers after half-term.
We are again providing you with the 2 Guides to help students with webex:
1) A video guide For Students – How to log into a webex lesson
2) How students access a lesson through Webex
We are also linking you the Enrichment during Lockdown document, which provides links to free virtual attendance to a range of Musicals, theatre productions and museum exhibitions.
We fully recognize this is potentially a very stressful time for our students and wish above all that they remain safe over the half-term and follow Gov.UK Guidance around social distancing at all times. Many children may spend more time on line next week and we attach the NSPCC link to promote conversations between parents and children about Online Safety:
Teachers’ email inboxes will be unattended until Monday, June 1st. The school Office email account will be attended once daily during the coming week for any urgent inquiries.
Just a reminder that any parent who is a Key Worker as defined by needing to use on site provision should mail the Brockhill Office email account by midday the previous working day, in order for us to make appropriate arrangements. In respect to any possible changes to Guidance relating to schools for June – July we will adhere to Guidance but not anticipate it. Guidance is published nationally to us all at the same time – we do not have advance sight of this.
We will resume setting work in the Google Classroom and teaching on Webex from Monday, June 1st.
Please stay safe.
Yours sincerely
Sonette Schwartz Charles Joseph
Principal Senior Vice Principal