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Year 10 and Year 12 Parents Consultation Days
Year 10 and Year 12 Parents’ Consultation Days
Thursday, July 16th 10am – 4pm
Friday July 17th 10am – 4pm
Monday, July 20th 10am – 6pm
Tuesday, July 21st 10am – 4pm
July 2020
Dear Parents
Thank you for your continued support of Home School and your daughter or son.
As per our previous letters we will host Parents’ Subject Consultation Days for Year 10 and Year 12 students on the days and times shown above. We hope and are very much looking forward to seeing all our Year 10 and Year 12 students on 1 of these days.
This will give students and parents the opportunity to take stock of their learning this year and discuss a timetable for completion over the summer holiday of the work packs we are currently creating. We believe these discussions with subject teachers together with completion of work over the summer will be vital in setting off on the Year 11 or Year 13 journey in September.
These days will be socially distanced and we will encourage students and parents to wear masks / face coverings when they attend site, as well as follow the signed one way systems we have created in recent weeks and when passing each other doing this generally on the right. Meetings will be held in all teaching rooms across the site, so please allow for 5 minutes movement time between appointments. If you have particular access requirements please let us know in advance by mail to the school office account.
We are using an online booking system for appointments and we invite you to make use of this as soon as you know your availability. We will close bookings on any particular day or time, once we reach the cut-off point beyond which social distancing would become difficult. It will not be possible to attend on any day without pre-booked appointments and we will close bookings for each of these days at midday on Wednesday, July 15th.
On arrival please sign in at The Terrace Restaurant before meeting with Subject Teachers. Whilst signing in please take time to view a range of study support information and resources available to support your son/daughter.
We will be monitoring the booking system closely as it is the first time we will be using it.
The Booking system will be open from Monday. Please click the following link thereafter to make bookings:
Please click here for a short guide that may help with this.
Yours sincerely
Sonette Schwartz Charles Joseph
Principal Senior Vice Principal