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Letter to parents 21st July
July 21st 2020
Dear Parents
Thank you for your support with Home School today.
We will be setting work and delivering face to face lessons on line until tomorrow, the last day of term.
Over the summer holiday we very much hope all students will read at least 2 titles from our Digital Library Summer Holiday reading list. The titles have been chosen as they are engaging and interesting. We advocate at least 20 minutes’ reading a day as reading develops student understanding across all their curriculum subjects.
Please click here for the Digital Library Summer Holiday Reading List
We are providing Work Packs in each subject for students to complete over the summer holiday. These are set out in a weekly format, so students can easily see what tasks they need to complete in a given week. We are also providing a simple Summer Checklist, so parents and students can tick off each subject, as they complete the assignments weekly. Teachers have worked hard to make these assignments as engaging as possible with use of video clips and range of really interesting resources.
We want all our student in all Year Groups to perform to the very best of their ability when they resume in September. Maintaining good and regular study habits over the summer holiday will support them to do this. However, we fully understand that at this distance in time parents will know better than we what is appropriate for their child.
Please see our documents:
When students return we will acknowledge all the work they undertake over the summer holiday.
Tomorrow, Wednesday’s Tutor Time activity is PSHE.
We are planning for full reopening in September and basing our planning around the recently published Guidance. Our Planning for September letter was sent to you separately this morning. Here it is again.
Stay safe.
Yours sincerely
Sonette Schwartz Charles Joseph
Principal Senior Vice Principal