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Letter to Parents 2nd December
December 2nd 2020
Dear Parents/ Guardians
Thank you all for your support over this week.
Clearly, this has been a challenging few days for the school in respect of the numbers of students, who are required to self-isolate on account of COVID-19. Mercifully, the number of confirmed cases actually remains very low, but we do note that a relatively large number of the students having to self-isolate are doing so on account of break and lunch- time contacts. We are therefore asking students to remain with the people they sit with in lesson times as far as possible during break and lunch-times. Please do reinforce this message at home with your daughter or son.
We are deeply aware that this has been a difficult year for students and their families and we seek out opportunities to reflect positively on this with the students.
As we head towards the Christmas Holidays we are attaching a resource to promote conversation between adults and teens to reflect on the events of the past year and current situation.
Improving your child’s mental health through Covid-19 (
In addition, we are attaching a 25 day calendar:
25 daily tasks to improve well-being.
We hope these resources will provoke interesting conversations between students and their parents.
Yours Sincerely,
Sonette Schwartz
Charles Joseph
Senior Vice Principal