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Letter to parents 18th December
December 18th 2020
Dear Parents / Guardians
You may already be aware that at the end of yesterday Government published arrangements relating to the new National Covid-19 Testing Programme, much of which will focus on secondary school students and school staff.
Brockhill will opt in and fully support this important national initiative. Whilst we do not yet have details of the programme, we have sufficient information to commence planning.
To support this, we are now making further changes to our published calendar. Monday, January 4th 2021 will now run with work set in Google Classroom for all students. Students should stick to their normal timetable and work on those tasks through the day and submit all work at the end of the day. However, no online live lessons will take place with teachers. No student should attend school.
From Tuesday, January 5th only Years 11 & 13 will return to school. All other Year Groups will remain at home and continue online learning but now via live online lessons with their teachers, as per their normal timetable. Currently, we assume all students will then resume their learning on site at Brockhill from Monday, January 11th.
If you are a critical worker and need for your child to attend school in any event from Tuesday, January 5th please do not worry. Just email on Monday, January 4th between 9am and midday to confirming your status as a critical worker, together with the name and Year Group of your child, and whether they will bring their own lunch or purchase from school catering services. You may then assume we approve their attendance from Tuesday, January 5th. If we require further detail, we will come back to you.
On Monday, January 4th, we aim to provide parents of students in Years 11 & 13 with further information and relevant consent forms in respect of Covid-19 testing to be carried out on Tuesday, January 5th. We will then provide that same information to parents of students in all other Year Groups later during that week with testing taking place on or shortly after Monday, January 11th.
In respect of Free School Meals for the week beginning January 4th we await information from KCC. We will contact you further about this on January 4th.
Please note that if there are further announcements in respect of schools over the school holiday it is highly likely they will be released to the general public at the same time as they are released to us. We will then plan and contact you after term begins on January 4th.
The full Guidance we are working to is Schools and Childcare settings: return in January 2021
Summary of Dates
Monday, January 4th 2021 |
Online learning in Google Classroom. All Year Groups. No live lessons. Submit all work by end of day. |
Tuesday, January 5th – Friday, January 8th 2021 |
Years 11 & 13 attend on site at Brockhill. All other Year Groups live lessons as per their timetable. |
Monday, January 11th 2021 and onwards! |
All Year Groups attend on site at Brockhill |
We want all our students to remain safe by following all Guidance in respect of social distancing, hand washing and face coverings over the holidays.
In respect of self-isolation, the legal obligation for anybody required to self-isolate is to stay at home and not leave it. We want all our students to play their part in the fight against the spread of COVID-19 and to stay safe.
We would like to take this further opportunity to wish all students and their families a Happy and safe Christmas.
Yours Sincerely,
Sonette Schwartz
Charles Joseph
Senior Vice Principal