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Letter to parents 4th January
January 4th 2021
Dear Parents / Guardians
Thank you for your support today, as we get underway with this week’s Home School.
From tomorrow, we will run live online subject lessons during each period, as per your child’s timetable.
The sessions will run for about 20 – 30 minutes with time given over at the end of each lesson for students to complete their classwork and submit it to their teacher. Students need to remember to do this at the end of each lesson, to avoid the work showing as undone in the weekly Guardian summary parents receive.
Lessons will start and end promptly at the times shown and the classroom will be locked on the dot at the start time to avoid the disruption of late arrivals. For other general information about Live Online lessons lease see our letter of January 1st.
As a reminder, we are also sending you 2 Guides:
- How Students access a lesson through Webex
- Google Meet – Checking the Account being used for Google Meet
Separately, Daily Tutor Time activities will be posted in the Google Classroom for students to the following timetable and students should access these materials and submit their work at the end of the day.
Monday: Literacy
Tuesday: Digital Library
Wednesday: Numeracy
Thursday: PSHE
Friday: Quiz
These are vital areas of students’ learning and we were able to send several hundred commendations to students last year for their excellent participation in these aspects of their learning during our extended period of Home School.
We rehearsed all of the Above via our arrangements just prior to the Christmas holiday, and we are confident our systems will run smoothly in respect of Live Online lessons. However, if we should run into any difficulty students and parents should not worry, as students can just revert to completing the work set in Google Classroom.
Finally, following our letter of December 18th we await information from KCC in respect of Fee School Meals.
Tier 4: Stay at Home
Folkestone and Hythe are now in Tier 4. Here is the link to Tier 4: Stay at Home.
We want all our students to remain safe by following all Guidance in respect of social distancing, hand washing and face coverings and to play their part in the fight against the spread of COVID-19.
Yours Sincerely,
Sonette Schwartz
Charles Joseph
Senior Vice Principal