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Letter to parents 6th January
January 6th 2021
Dear Parents / Guardians
Our systems have again run smoothly today in respect of Live Online lessons. However, if we should run into any difficulty students and parents should not worry, as students can just revert to completing the assignments set in Google Classroom. Time is given over at the end of each lesson for students to complete their classwork and submit it to their teacher. Students need to remember to do this at the end of each lesson, to avoid the work showing as undone in the weekly Guardian summary parents receive.
We are fully aware that students and their families will face a wide range of challenges in the current situation and with this in mind our colleagues at Folkestone & Hythe District Council have provided us with their
Directory of Services for Children, Young People & Families
We have today received indication from KCC as to how they will organise arrangements for Free School Meals with the promise of more information to follow promptly. We will act promptly and confirm this to parents on receipt of the details.
If you are a critical worker and need for your child to attend school please email the day before, between 9am and midday to confirming your status as a critical worker, together with the name and Year Group of your child, and whether they will bring their own lunch or purchase from school catering services. We will then come back to you for further details and to confirm the arrangement. No child should attend school without this process being followed first.
In order to assist us in generating the best possible Centre Assessed Grades for all our Examination Year Group students in all subjects, it will be vital for students to attend all Live Online lessons with our staff and both complete and submit all Assignments set in the Google Classroom: It is clear that Centre Assessed Grades will contribute significantly to the final Grade awarded for A level and GCSE subjects to current Years 11 & 13 students. Given the relatively limited information we hold on students, it is also clear that part of the basis of any Centre Assessed Grade we submit will be determined by assessment of subject matter taught in the Live Online lessons over the coming weeks.
We want all our students to remain safe by following all Guidance in respect of social distancing, hand washing and face coverings and to play their part in the fight against the spread of COVID-19.
Yours Sincerely,
Sonette Schwartz
Charles Joseph
Senior Vice Principal