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Letter to parents 13th January
January 13th 2021
Dear Parents / Guardians
Thank you for your support of Home School today.
We are to monitor student attendance to Live Online lessons throughout the day. We believe that Live Online lessons will enable students’ learning to proceed as near normally as possible and prevent learning loss through the period of closure. We wish for all our students to participate in all Live Online lessons.
Our 2 technicians are dealing with IT equipment requests as quickly as they can, but please be aware this may take some time and it is entirely possible to access the Google Classroom and Live Online lessons via smartphone.
If you are a critical worker, please do keep your child at home, unless there is genuinely no other realistic option for you. Whilst we are mindful of Guidance in respect of provision for children of critical workers, school closures intervened on account of the rapidly rising levels of Covid-19 infection, both in the community and in schools themselves. Brockhill fully reflected this picture: we had just 1 confirmed case up to November 23rd and a further 27 by the end of term. Staying at home avoids social contact and is the safest option for students.
The Police have made contact with us today to warn us of that it has become fashionable for young people in the local area to request explicit images from each other by sending an apparently innocent text to a mobile number with the words: ‘Do you send………..?’
Today’s video from the resources designed to support parents with the maintenance and development of resilience of their children in the current circumstances is:
How to Support Your Child to Have Positive Friendships
Each day this week, we will send you just one of the videos, which generally last 2 – 3 minutes.
All the materials though, can be found together on the
Here is the link to the BBC Lockdown Learning Programme Schedule, and we recommend watching these on i-player as a complement to Live Online lessons, after the school day and Live Online lessons have finished.
Lockdown Learning: BBC Bitesize
Today, we have activated this week’s WONDE system voucher in respect of Free School Meals and the system has dispatched a further £15 meal voucher for this week. This is a day earlier than we indicated, but the rollout has gone smoothly and there was no reason to wait. Please note you will not receive a meal voucher if your child attends school. Please see our Parent and Guardian ordering document.
Tomorrow, Thursday’s Daily Tutor Time activity posted in the Google Classroom is:
Thursday: PSHE
Students should access these materials and submit their work to their Daily Tutor at the end of each day.
We want all our students to remain safe by following the National Lockdown Guidance
as well as to remember social distancing, hand washing and face coverings, so as to play their part in the fight against the spread of COVID-19.
Yours Sincerely,
Sonette Schwartz
Charles Joseph
Senior Vice Principal