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Letter to parents 15th January
January 15th 2021
Dear Parents / Guardians
Thank you for your support of Home School this week.
The large majority of students are now attending all their Live Online lessons and our Guidance Managers have been making welfare calls to families over this past week. Our aim is to make telephone contact with every family in the coming 2 – 3 weeks to catch up with parents about their children’s learning.
Today, you should receive your weekly Guardian Summary in respect of your daughter or son’s learning this week. We hope this is useful to you and your child. If you do not receive this, please contact us on Monday and we will resend an invitation.
Next week, we will continue to monitor student attendance to Live Online lessons throughout the day and try to ensure all our students participate in all Live Online lessons.
As we move forward over these coming weeks, teachers will be asking students to undertake some – mostly brief - tasks under test conditions, as we have been working hard to develop this skill with students and it is important they continue to develop in this area.
Today, we are providing you with our winter Digital Library, which students access via the Google Classroom on Tuesdays. Reading is so very important for student development and just 20 minutes reading per day has been demonstrated to be hugely beneficial in raising student attainment in the range of subjects they study. Please do ensure they have chosen a book and are reading daily.
We have just sent information from the NHS to parents of Years 8 & 9 students in respect of HPV vaccination. The local immunisation team is intending on carrying this out in school on February 1st and 2nd. Please be sure to confirm your consent to the immunisation team via the link in their letter. We understand the immunisation team will then provide you with an appointment time for your child, and we will contact you before the end of the month in respect of how we will manage access to the site and social distancing.
If you are a critical worker, please do keep your child at home, unless there is genuinely no other realistic option for you. School closures intervened on account of the rapidly rising levels of Covid-19 infection, both in the community and in schools themselves. Staying at home avoids social contact and is the safest option for students. Please check school transport provider websites in advance of making contact with ourselves, as services have now reduced considerably.
Today’s video from the resources designed to support parents with the maintenance and development of resilience of their children in the current circumstances is:
How to Support Your Child to Understand their Emotions and Behaviours
All the materials though, can be found together on the
Here is the link to the BBC Lockdown Learning Programme Schedule, which we recommend watching on i-player as a complement to Live Online lessons. This is a high quality resource.
Lockdown Learning: BBC Bitesize
Next week’s WONDE system voucher in respect of Free School Meals will be activated on Wednesday. Please see our Parent and Guardian ordering document.
Daily Tutor Time activities are posted in the Google Classroom:
- Monday: Literacy
- Tuesday: Digital Library
- Wednesday: Numeracy
- Thursday: PSHE
- Friday: Quiz
Students should access these materials and submit their work to their Daily Tutor at the end of each day.
We want all our students to remain safe by following the National Lockdown Guidance
as well as to remember social distancing, hand washing and face coverings, so as to play their part in the fight against the spread of COVID-19.
Yours Sincerely,
Sonette Schwartz
Charles Joseph
Senior Vice Principal