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Letter to parents 2nd February
February 2nd 2021
Dear Parents / Guardians
Thank you for your support of Home School today.
We have so much to commend students for and so very much to be grateful to their parents and families for. We and the children’s teachers are very optimistic about students’ current learning, as well as for their prospects for further success when they rejoin us on site. We hope that this further period of Home School will result in increased numbers of applications across the country for Teacher Training places in September 2021 – just as last year’s period of Home School did for September 2020.
Our Guidance Managers will continue to make telephone contact with families this week to check on student welfare and to raise any concerns we may have around student attendance to Live Online lessons or submission of assignments for students in Years 7 – 13. We are aiming to ensure 100% attendance to Live Online lessons, so all the students are in the best possible place with their learning and poised for further success when they rejoin us on site. Please do let us know if your daughter or son is unwell and cannot attend Live Online lessons, just as you would let us know about absence from school.
During this Children’s Mental Health Week we are emphasising provision of resources to parents to help with the promotion of good mental health with young people at this time.
The Young Minds charity also provides a parents’ helpline for parents, who may have particular concerns.
YoungMinds - children and young people's mental health charity
Please also see the NSPCC Learning link below, which contains a wealth of information and tips for parents and carers about the promotion of good mental health amongst our young people.
Supporting children’s mental health during coronavirus | NSPCC Learning
Students will also receive information on Mental Health as part of their PSHE assignments this week, via their Daily Tutor.
Where a student tests positive for COVID-19, please inform us, as we submit a daily return to the Department for Education about positive cases amongst the student body.
Today, we have resumed Lateral Flow Testing in school for students, who are on site.
Bookings for our Years 7 & 8 Parents’ Day on Monday, February 22nd will remain open until
Tuesday, February 9th at 3pm.
Parents’ Guide – Parent Consultation Days – How to book and attend Video Appointments
The Daily Tutor Time activity tomorrow is: Numeracy. Students should access these materials in the Google Classroom and submit their work to their Daily Tutor at the end of each day.
We are increasingly concerned at the number of applications for students to attend school. If you are a critical worker, please do keep your child at home. Staying at home avoids social contact and is the safest option for students. We will request proof of employment and will satisfy ourselves that there is genuinely no realistic option for a child to remain at home and access their Live Online lessons. School closures intervened for good reason on account of the rapidly rising levels of Covid-19 infection.
We want all our students to remain safe by following the National Lockdown Guidance
as well as to remember social distancing, hand washing and face coverings, so as to play their part in the fight against the spread of COVID-19.
Yours Sincerely,
Sonette Schwartz
Charles Joseph
Senior Vice Principal