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Letter to parents 12th February
February 12th 2021
Dear Parents / Guardians
Thank you for your support of Home School this half-term. We commend our student body for their efforts over these past weeks and wish to take this opportunity to wish all members of the Brockhill community a restful and above all a safe week.
School will be closed completely during half-term from Friday, February 12th until Monday, February 22nd. On Monday, February 22nd assignments will be set in Google Classroom for all students for each of their lessons, and the assignments should be submitted to the subject teachers at the end of the school day. Live Online lessons will then resume on the Tuesday morning.
Whatever announcement is made by Government after half-term in respect of possible dates for schools to return to on site provision, we will continue to emphasise the importance of students attending all their Live Online lessons.
If your child has finished their book for this half-term please have them choose another from our Digital Library and encourage them to read for 20 minutes daily.
A reminder that excellent pre-recorded lessons are available on demand on BBC i-player and Oak National Academy over half-term, which students can use to check any areas of uncertainty in each of their subjects.
Oak National Academy Lockdown Learning: BBC Bitesize
We want all our students to remain safe by following the National Lockdown Guidance
as well as to remember social distancing, hand washing and face coverings, so as to play their part in the fight against the spread of COVID-19.
Stay safe.
Yours Sincerely,
Sonette Schwartz
Charles Joseph
Senior Vice Principal