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Letter to parents 3rd March
March 3rd 2021
Dear Parents / Guardians
Thank you for your support of Home School today.
Later on today, we will be sending you a separate letter concerning arrangements from March 8th, which we request you go through carefully with your daughter or son.
The BBC Bitesize page below supporting National Careers Week allows you and your child to explore and discuss careers by job sector.
Explore careers by job sectors - BBC Bitesize
BBC Bitesize is also providing a range of high quality resources for young people to consider next stages of their lives.
The Parents’ Guide to National Careers Week also provides lots of useful information to parents about careers and parental / child conversations around these.
The Parents' Guide to National Careers Week.pdf
We will be emphasising to all students the importance of 100% attendance to school and believe the introduction of Lateral Flow Testing should give students and their parents the confidence for this to be a realistic aspiration. All students in Years 11 & 13 will need to commit to 100% attendance and completion of their best standard class and homework, in order to aim for the best possible Centre Assessed Grades.
The Daily Tutor Time activity tomorrow is:
Thursday - PSHE
Students should access these materials and submit their work to their Daily Tutor at the end of the day.
This week, we will be taking every opportunity to celebrate with our students the amazing learning they have undertaken and the wonderful skills they have acquired over these 2 months. We will also be continuing with welfare calls to ensure our transition back to on site learning is as seamless as possible for every one of our students.
Yours Sincerely,
Sonette Schwartz
Charles Joseph
Senior Vice Principal