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Posted: 24/03/2021

Letter to parents 24th March





 March 24th 2021

Dear Parents / Guardians

Thank you for all your support of us today. All has again run smoothly with Lateral Flow Testing today and we have now tested Years 13, 11. 12, 10 & 9 for the third time.

We would like to remind parents and students that mobile phones must be turned off and in the bottoms of bags during Daily Tutor time and subject lessons. Students must not use mobile phones before break or lunch when use will be permitted. This means that mobile phones should remain in students’ bags when moving between lessons. Students must not wear or carry headphones or ear pods in school at any time.

Where students are not dressed in appropriate uniform / office wear for Sixth Form they will be sent home to change.

For information about and booking of appointments for the Years 11 & 13 Parents’ Consultation Day, please see our separate letter to parents. Bookings will remain open until Monday, March 29th at 3pm. It will not be possible to book appointments thereafter.

It is our intention to continue testing students once weekly as per the schedule below until the end of this term and to continue in the summer term. Please test your child at home 3 or 4 days apart from each in school test.

Year Group

In school test

At home test


Years 13 & 11

Monday AM

Wednesday Evening


Years 12 & 10

Tuesday AM

Thursday Evening


Year 9

Wednesday AM

Saturday Evening


Year 8

Thursday AM

Sunday Evening


Year 7

Friday AM

Tuesday Evening



Please remember to keep ordering Lateral Flow Test Kits for your family.

Order Rapid Lateral Flow Tests           

Lateral Flow Testing At Home – Brockhill Video Explanation


Yours Sincerely,

Sonette Schwartz   



Charles Joseph

Senior Vice Principal


