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Posted: 17/05/2021

Letter to Parents and Students in Years 11, 12 & 13 May 17th 2021




GCSE, AS and A level

Arrangements and Results’ Days 2021

 May 17th 2021

Dear Parents / Guardians and Students

We are writing to you further to our letter of April 26th. We are required to submit students’ Centre Assessed Grades (otherwise referred to as Teacher Assessed Grades or TAGs) by June 18th.

These Grades are based on a range of evidence drawn from individual students’ assessed work, which has been marked, standardised and moderated by more than 1 teacher. The final Assessments we are currently carrying out are generally quite short and follow on almost immediately after teaching and learning of relevant material.

Maximising the number of samples of work completed to their best personal standard by each student will enable us to evidence the Grades we submit to the Examination Boards. Every student should continue to prepare properly for assessments they carry out in school. Please support us to do the very Best for and with your daughter or son by ensuring they prepare properly for assessments they carry out in school.

We have previously stated we will do all we properly can to ensure the best outcomes for our students, but these Grades must be evidence based and can in no way be based on our view of the potential of a student had they sat examinations in more normal circumstances. Teachers cannot share Grades with students.

Examinations Results’ Days this year are:

Tuesday, August 10th A level

Thursday, August 12th GCSE

We will provide further information in respect of the Examinations’ Results Days, together with information about how to seek a re-mark in a subject when these procedures are finalised and published to us.

However, we would like to advise you at this stage that if a student and their family were to seek a re-mark in a subject it is likely the school would be required to submit the assignments on which it had based the Centre Assessed Grade to the Examination board:

A possible outcome of seeking a re-mark may be that the Examination Board puts the Grade down. We would therefore advise caution and serious reflection before taking this step.

Please read the following publications:

Student Guide to Awarding – Summer 2021

Joint Council for Qualifications – Guidance for Students and Parents

Joint Council for Qualifications – Summer Arrangements 2021

Letter of April 26th

We are very impressed by the dedication of our students as they approach their Assessments in class in these final weeks and thank you for all your support of them and us.

Yours Sincerely,

Sonette Schwartz



Charles Joseph

Senior Vice Principal



