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Letter to Parents and Students in Years 11
May 26th 2021
Dear Year 11 Parents and Students
Thank you for your support during this school year. We are writing to inform you that from today Wednesday, May 26th students may remain at home to complete any outstanding tasks for submission to their teachers this week. Subject teachers may need to call individual students in this week and if they do you will be contacted by the school office.
We are bringing forward our Sixth Form Induction to Monday, June 21st – Wednesday, June 23rd which we hope very much will take place on site.
Thereafter, students who are intending to join our Sixth Form will be required to attend lessons in their chosen A level subjects until the end of the summer term, as well as complete assignments during term and over the summer. This is intended to provide our students with the prior knowledge and skills necessary to commence A level courses in September and go on to achieve high levels of success in summer 2023.
We will issue confirmation of arrangements for the Induction towards the end of the first week beginning Monday, June 7th.
GCSE Results’ Day is: Thursday, August 12th
We will provide further information in respect of the Examinations’ Results Day, together with information about how to seek a re-mark in a subject when these procedures are finalised and published to us, but in the meantime please refer to our Letter of May 17th.
We would like to advise you at this stage that if a student and their family were to seek a re-mark in a subject it is likely the school would be required to submit the assignments on which it had based the Centre Assessed Grade to the Examination board:
A possible outcome of seeking a re-mark may be that the Examination Board puts the Grade down. We would therefore advise caution and serious reflection before taking this step.
Students, who are in possession of a school lap computer and / or other IT equipment loaned by the school will be expected to return these during the week
beginning Monday, June 7th. Where students do not return such items Examination results will not be issued in the summer. We will initiate a new loan system for such equipment in September for those students re-joining us.
We appreciate the support that you have offered your children at home, particularly since March 2020, and recognise just how valuable it is. We wish every student the very best.
Yours Sincerely,
Sonette Schwartz
Charles Joseph
Senior Vice Principal