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Letter to Parents 10th January
Dear Parents / Guardians
Thank you all so much for your support with LFT testing last Monday, prior to the students returning to school on Tuesday. This was immensely helpful and, with the testing we carried out on Tuesday, and then running to our regular schedule from Wednesday, has ensured the smoothest start possible.
We ended last term by awarding and sending to their parents, commendations for 539 students in recognition of hard work and high levels of commitment between October and December. This week we have sent a further 123 commendations to celebrate high levels of student attendance. We hope very much to do the same at the end of this half-term and will be encouraging students to submit class and homework assignments of their personal best standard to ensure staff nomination in recognition of their efforts.
This half-term term we will continue to offer extracurricular activities and school trips in the local area as we judge prudent, but we will not be going further afield. After school revision sessions for Years 11 in English, Mathematics and Science and for all A level subjects in Years 12 & 13 will not take place on site but continue to run online. Invitations are sent to students via Google Classroom. Please do encourage your daughter or son to attend.
We want all our students to choose and read a book for pleasure for at least 20 minutes a day. Research evidence is clear that students, who read daily, understand and achieve so much more highly across their school subjects. Digital Library
If you would like your child to borrow a laptop or webcam, please make your request to Our technicians work to meet requests just as quickly as they can.
Please be aware of further changes to Guidance:
Stay at home: guidance for households with possible or confirmed coronavirus (COVID-19) infection
Please remember to keep ordering Lateral Flow Test Kits for your family.
Order Rapid Lateral Flow Tests
The link appears to be working today. You can of course also pick them up from pharmacies.
Please encourage your daughter or son to sign up and attend at least 1 lunchtime club per week: Lunchtime Clubs 2021 / 2022
Yours Sincerely,
Sonette Schwartz Charles Joseph
Executive Principal Principal