Latest NewsNews from around the Academy

Letter to Parents 4th February
Dear Parents / Guardians
Thank you for all your support of your children and us this week.
This week, teachers have been entering Assessment Grades for students on to our system and we will publish these to you before half-term. Colleagues are now also nominating students for commendation, where they have consistently submitted their ‘personal best’ class- and homework assignments.
We continued to emphasise to students the importance of kindness and simply enjoying being in school with their friends.
Today, we have run our fourth ‘Family Friday’ session in Daily Tutor Time with students and teachers competing with each other in Daily Tutor Groups, to demonstrate the highest daily ‘step count.’ Through these weekly sessions, we wish to give students strategies and techniques to promote personal well-being.
We are beginning to work with University of Warwick to trial an online resource for parents/carers to help reduce depression and anxiety in young people. If you have a child in Years 7 – 10, please see:
PIPA - Parenting Information to prevent Affective Disorders - Letter to Parents
Further information for parents and students:
PIPA - Parent & Carer Information Sheet
PIPA - Young Person Information Sheet
Nearly 250 students are currently participating in 1 of the nearly 40 lunchtime clubs offered by teachers every school week. These give the opportunity to students to engage in an activity they enjoy with their friends or try something completely new with other students they do not yet know as well. If your daughter or son has not yet participated in a club please talk to them about Lunchtime Clubs 2021 / 2022
Please also encourage your daughter or son to choose a book from our Digital Library
and to read for 20 minutes each day.
We would like to remind you that students will be learning remotely on Friday, February 11th with work set in Google Classroom for all students. Students should stick to their normal timetable and work on those tasks through the day and submit all work at the end of the day. Teachers will also set Homework Assignments in Google Classroom as per the Homework Timetable. No live online lessons will take place with teachers. No student should attend school on Friday, February 11th.
Since we returned in January we have had 190 students and 18 members of staff test positive for COVID-19: - 66 students and 7 more staff members since last Friday. Many of the students have been asymptomatic and identified by in school or home testing. Where we have positive cases in a class we often retest the class or close contacts on the following day.
We continue to support and encourage students to wear face coverings in class and have reminded them that they still need to wear them on school transport for the moment.
Please continue to test your child at home 3 or 4 days apart from each in school test
Year Group |
In school test |
At home test |
Years 13 & 11 |
Monday AM |
Wednesday Evening |
Years 12 & 10 |
Tuesday AM |
Thursday Evening |
Year 9 |
Wednesday AM |
Saturday Evening |
Year 8 |
Thursday AM |
Sunday Evening |
Year 7 |
Friday AM |
Tuesday Evening |
and to keep ordering Lateral Flow Test Kits for you and all your family.
Order Rapid Lateral Flow Tests.
Yours Sincerely,
Sonette Schwartz Charles Joseph
Executive Principal Principal