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Letter to Parents 15th July
July 15th 2022
Dear Parents
We are very impressed with how hard our students are continuing to work in their lessons as we reach towards the end of the school year. Thank you All. We will be sending out commendations to several hundred students in recognition of their individual efforts later next week.
Kent County Council has made arrangements for every student in Years 6 – 13 to receive a bus pass for the summer holiday. We will be issuing these in hard copy to students early next week but are providing you with a link to the pass just in case your child does not receive one or they lose theirs over the summer break! Young Persons’ Bus Pass
The University for the Creative Arts are running a free creative Summer School for 15 – 16 year olds from August 8th – 12th. More information available HERE
Please also see the Holiday Activities and Food Programme Kent Flyer for Parents.
Next week, our assembly to students will be about how to stay safe over the summer holiday, and we will be providing students with information about how to seek support should they need to. For your information we have compiled a list of Parent Safeguarding Links
We are mindful of the weather forecast for next week and will be advising students to drink plenty of water during the day and stay in the shade when outside.
In case you missed our letter yesterday with important information about next week and the summer here it is again. Letter of July 14th
Have a lovely weekend.
Yours sincerely
Charles Joseph